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Snow Shoveling 101 – With Michael Williams and Dr. Jared Barrieau

It’s that time of year again. Where you have to be ready to leave the house earlier to make sure you have enough time to get the snow off your driveway. Here are a few tips to warm up and help reduce your risk of low back injury from shoveling snow.

Before you start to shovel, make sure you have given yourself time to warm up! Follow these tips from our chiropractor, Dr. Jared Barrieau:

1. Wait 30 minutes after waking up or sitting.

2. Get your spine moving:
▪️ Cat-Cows, 6-8 cycles⁣
▪️ Low Back Range of Motion, 3x through range⁣

3. Warm-up the glutes and legs:
▪️Squats, 2 sets of 10⁣
▪️Lunges, 2 sets of 10, both sides⁣

Watch the warm up video here:

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