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Warm Up For Runners – By Michael Williams, Registered Physiotherapist

Everyone should be doing some form of warm up prior to running to help reduce the risk of injury, in particular muscle strains. What that warm up looks like is open for debate. Mike’s warm up is composed of a variety of dynamic movements that involve moving his hips, knees and ankles through movements similar to the running motion in order to get the major joints, and muscles that cross those joints, that are involved in running to be warmed up and better prepared for his workout.

This is what I suggest as a warmup:

  • Walking lunges
  • High knees
  • Butt kicks
  • Side shuffles (right and left)
  • Karaokes (right and left)
  • Backpedaling 

Complete 20 reps of each.

Even if your run warm up is just starting with a slow jog, that’s still better than sprinting out your front door at world record pace.

If you have any questions in regards to a warm up suited to you – BOOK A PHYSIOTHERAPY ASSESSMENT HERE.

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